MerzTent (2022) explored alternative ways my game engine worlds could be experienced and explored by viewers. Using virtual production methods and processes, I created a virtual reality torch that displayed game engine worlds onto the walls of a handmade, ramshackle tent. Further, it explored alternative ways that virtual reality could be experienced, rather than through head mounted displays.
Lobwein, G. (2022). MerzTent. [Virtual reality torch, handmade tent, Pico projector, game engine worlds]. Video documentation.
MerzTent Drawings
These drawings are indicative of the design process in which I conceptualised the torch for MerzTent. In this process I was thinking about what kind of form factor would enable viewers to have some familiarity with the torch, while also drawing influence from the 1920s avant-garde. The result was an old Dolphin torch that I covered in shag-pile fabric, which I assembled over several days. 
(2022). MerzTent torch installation diagram. [Pen and ink on paper].
(2022). MerzTent torch installation diagram. [Pen and ink on paper].
(2022). MerzTent torch designs. [Pen and ink on paper].
(2022). MerzTent torch designs. [Pen and ink on paper].
(2022). MerzTent torch drawing. [Pencil on paper].
(2022). MerzTent torch drawing. [Pencil on paper].
Various drawings depicting the torch for MerzTent.
MerzTent Documentation
This video documentation illustrates the various stages in the development of MerzTent. Although I now see this work as a prototype for a future, more refined version; it does show how the experimental rigour of the 1920s avant-garde was feeding into my practice.
Lobwein, G. (2022). MerzTent Documentation. [Video, 02:24 runtime].