Prounal Motions
This page contains the documentation of Prounal Motions (2021), an important creative milestone in this projects use of a spherical display and 360° game engine videos. The work explored the possibilities of creating game engine worlds on the Sphere, further expanding on the experiments of Digital Proun. It was in this work that the process of Merz became essential to considering how game engine worlds could be ordered in an affectual performance, like in the culminating work of this project, The Mirror Sphere.
Also to note, the widescreen display on the ground level of the atrium included an 'unwrapped' view of the game engine worlds on the Sphere. These videos where equirectangular projections of the worlds, so that viewers could see their entirety if they so wished.
Lobwein, G. (2020). Prounal Motions. [360° game engine sequence, LED spherical display, looping]. Installation view.
Drawings For Prounal Motions
The following drawings, photographed from my sketchbooks and archives, showcase the way I designed my game engine worlds using pen, watercolour, and paper. Here I was often thinking about the ways the worlds could be visually engaging, considering ways the 360° camera could pass through them. As such, I began experimenting with the composition of these game engine worlds, combining various objects into a game engine Merz.
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Beyond the painting world drawing. [Pen and ink on paper].](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/6a3cb960-d2a7-4437-ab02-bd757fc953a9_rw_1920.jpg?h=d198c7205f05192d58d89b1809264ccd)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Beyond the painting world drawing. [Pen and ink on paper].
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc world drawing I. [Pen and ink on paper].](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/3ad453e2-9bec-4291-b581-1f14750c6217_rw_1920.jpg?h=bf811dc91982a0913b99b5159376d0fe)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc world drawing I. [Pen and ink on paper].
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc drawing II. [Pen and ink on paper].](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/379edb67-81dd-4d2b-a706-f62139a0a9d6_rw_1920.jpg?h=b8fa7e3010032201b9fdad741177751f)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc drawing II. [Pen and ink on paper].
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Obdenburg world drawing. [Pen and ink on paper].](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/f3e319df-a45e-4a4a-8571-b458a638f53c_rw_1920.jpg?h=659f25e82ed3fe25e31b643730a6668f)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Obdenburg world drawing. [Pen and ink on paper].
Various drawings for Prounal Motions.
Renders From Prounal Motions
The following renders depict the game engine worlds seen in Prounal Motions.
(2021). Prounal Motions, Beyond the Painting World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/852c01e1-287b-42ce-ba1d-50a6470ddaf9_rw_1200.png?h=382bb3d1aae4bcb030efcd3585a6f1db)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/4da9e47f-71f4-4b82-92fc-49c53ed6a14a_rw_1200.png?h=af903a232d10fe2af5430bff63d0556f)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Tatlin and Marc World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.
![(2021). Prounal Motions, Obdenburg World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/bab74ccc-6e47-4e7b-86ce-09a1c0b5d5bd/4584f7dd-c0f0-4507-80ad-5c6e87998ccb_rw_1920.png?h=0b3891459682a81bbeca3c80af385d5b)
(2021). Prounal Motions, Obdenburg World. [360° image, equirectangular projection]. Render.
Renders from the worlds of Prounal Motions.
Lobwein, G. (2021). Prounal Motions Obdenburg World Render. [Game engine sequence, 01:00 runtime]. Render.
360 Render For Viewing
This video can be interacted with using a mouse to view the space of the game engine world as it plays. This 360° render is essentially an inverted version of the experience audiences would have with Sphere. When displayed on the Sphere, viewers could move around the physical space to see the worlds displayed on the screen as shown in the installation video on this page.